Managerial concept most popular in industry and manufacturing date is six sigma, or better known as the concept of lean six sigma. Lean Six Sigma is an improvement project that refers to the efficiency in the production of habituation consisting of 5s concept in all lines of production, the elimination of seven waste / YOUNG (defects, overproduction, transportation, waiting, inventory, over process, and motion) and seek Zero defect in product is produced.
Lean six sigma here is a project that serves a real improvement by using statistics as a basis to solve the problem. With the DMAIC method, systematically executing project will be guided in making the improvement. Improvement are made based on the customer and is a response / countermeasures to meet the quality standards expected.
Lean six sigma lean project is a combined system of waste elimination and six sigma project is focused on the critical quality. Lean six sigma is to have the ultimate goal of high quality characteristics with respect to production efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Manufacturing company in lean manufacturing steps starting from the 5S campaign intensively in every level in every section of employees and production. Then the waste analysis to ensure that there is no waste in production. If this step has been achieved and used as work culture, and then little by little to improvement through training and six sigma project.
In general manufacturing process of the resistor as I have described above. Perhaps many types of resistors in the market with a manufacturing process is different. For example, resistive plate type resistor, fuse resistor and so on