To decrease the time of preparation, first of all need to recognize the state of preparation work that is currently in the factory.
Problems that can be encountered when working long setup / setup time that is very varied, among others:
1. Completion of preparation incoherently
2. The setup procedure is not done
3. The procedure was not adhered to in part properly.
4. Materials, Tools, and the mall is not prepared prior to commencement of operations setup.
5. Work attach and detach old.
6. The amount of height adjustment measures.
7. Work preparation has not been assessed properly.
This problem can be remedied through the investigation every day and repeatedly check the state of preparation in the actual workplace.
Examples of Daihatsu Industry following describes it (M. Greece 1990, T. Morimatsu 1988, and T. Soukura 1987).
First of all, standard operating routine sheet for all processes in the printing section to be inspected. For example, processes and standard operating routine that the following problems can arise in the line of printing:
1. The operating expenses in the process not the same
2. Delayed time operation for engine B-I leads to delays in the next process.
3. Opening of a security fence for the engine B-I increase preparation time.
Once identified, where problems recorded on video tape for the study of motion and the time is right. Alternative methods should be tested until the best alternative may be documented on a sheet of standard operating routine. The design of the same should apply to any process that causes the problem.
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