What is lean six sigma? Lean six sigma explained
Lean Six Sigma is an operational management concept that is a synergy of Lean and Six Sigma. With Lean Six Sigma, companies can buy the “speed” that Lean claims and the “quality” that Six Sigma has. This methodology is used to eliminate the imposition of seven waste (waste) occurring in the manufacturing process and quality services at the favorable output of the defective product (average 3.4 defects per million per event / disability per million opportunities (DPMO) ). The goal is to increase corporate profits, provide sustainability, and add value to customers.
Lean Six Sigma uses the DMAIC phase concept in the process, as in pure Six Sigma. DMAIC is the phases that must be passed in cooperation with anything, which is from Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control. In each phase, different activities will be carried out according to the conditions occurring during the project.
In the theory of Lean Six Sigma and executing the project, the company must form a special team consisting of belts and team members. Belt itself is an individual who has knowledge and analysis in the application of Lean Six Sigma. Starting from beginner to advanced belt include Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt.
Lean six sigma is a combination of Lean and Six sigma can be defined as a business philosophy, systematic and systematic approach to identify and eliminate waste or non value added activities through continuous improvement to achieve six levels of performance sigma, by delivering products (materials, work-in-process, output) from internal and external customers to pursue excellence and excellence in the form of producing only 3.4 defects for every one million occasions or operations (3.4 DPMO). [Gasp06, pp 1-2]
Lean’s approach aims to eliminate waste, facilitate the flow of materials, products and information as well as continuous improvement. While the Six Sigma approach to reduce process variation, process control and continuous improvement. The integration between Lean and Six sigma will improve performance through increased speed and accuracy (zero defect). The Lean approach will show non value added (NVA) and value added (VA) and make value added flow smoothly along the value stream process, while six sigma will reduce the variation of value added. [Gasp06, p. 9]
Lean Six Sigma provides a detailed overview of the process you’re running on the value stream map, so from there it’s identified value-added processes and not value added. Value stream mapping also provides an idea of where the time trap occurs. From there the project can be prioritized. Whether the time trap occurs due to the large number of rejections that occur (with Six Sigma tools) or due to long stopping or setting (Lean Tool).
Companies must be able to minimize defects to achieve maximum production speed, on the other hand also need to do something to keep that speed reaching the highest level of sigma. Thus, the application of principles and tools in Lean and Six Sigma is absolutely necessary for organizations to accelerate the rate of increase in ROI and remain in their best competitive position.