Training and training, briefing and briefing. Achieving lean manufacturing through the 5S management will be accomplished if reminded of every time. To remind the concept, management and implementation of 5S done with training. Training is not only meeting in the classroom, but every time there is a job that requires training is always inserted 5s management and implementation.

In addition, each morning meeting, each group containing the job briefing must start with the implementation of 5S. Do they fulfill the conditions of the workplace 5S standards that exist or not. Are all the members already understand the procedures of implementing the 5S workplace respectively. Everything should be responsible for maintaining controlled conditions.

Any meeting should also discuss about the 5S first before discussing the issue of production or quality. 5S continuously being discussed in every meeting.

Employee awareness can not be formed instantly, but it must be through a long process and a relentless effort. If done every day, every time, so the mindset of management and awareness in the implementation of the 5S’s 5s formed indirectly.

If 5s employee awareness is created, then lean manufacturing that is the purpose of all companies to increase profits will also be achieved. 5S management should become an ingrained habit of mind in every employee, not a rule binding on the employee.